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Obasanjo, Ayim, Mark, Speaker Tajudeen, Tambuwal, dignitaries pay tributes as Dogara buries mother


Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, former Senate President Anyim Pius Anyim were among a long list of dignitaries that paid glowing tributes to the late mother of former Speaker Yakubu Dogara who was buried in Ganuwari, Bogoro Local Government Area of Bauchi State, on Saturday February 24.

In a personal condolence message signed and addressed to Dogara, Obasanjo said even though the matriarch lived up to 103 years, “the death of a mother is still a painful one”

Obasanjo urged the former Speaker and the entire family to take solace in the long and fulfilled life she lived and the memory of the life of love and cared shared with her.

In a similar vein, former Senate President Anyim Pius Anyim in c condolence letter, said the late Mama Saratu enjoyed life of longevity and fulfilled her destiny according to the purpose of God.

“Mama’s life was impactful as a community leader and a philanthropist who bequeathed to society as a gentle man in your own self , who as former Speaker of the House of Representatives, has touched many lives”

Also, former Senate President David Mark in a condolence message, said “losing a mother regardless of her longevity is one of life most profound losses, and I can only imagine the depth of your sorrow you and your family must be experiencing”

Mark added, “Your mother’s legacy lives on through you and the values you uphold as a leader”

Speaker of the House of Representatives Hounorable Abass Tajudeen described Dogara’s mother as a remarkable woman saying her memories would forever live on through the love and cherished moments she shared together with loved ones.

“On behalf of the members of the House of Representatives, please accept our condolences and the assurance of our highest regard” Tajudeen disclosed in condolence letter addressed to Dogara.

In his own tribute, former colleague and Governor of Sokoto State, Honourable Aminu Tambuwal said the passage of a mother was always touching.

Tambuwal in his message sent to Dogara, said Mama Saratu lived a life of commitment and devotion  to her immediate community and humanity ib general

“She has contributed immensely to both community and national development in general. No wonder that God granted her longevity,” Tamwula said.

More tributes poured in from other dignitaries who attended the church  electrifying church service held at COCIN LCC Gwaranga.

The burial was attended by Niger State Governor Mohammed Umar Bago, former governor of Bauchi State Mallam Isa Yuguda, Ex-Secretary to the Federal Government Babachir Lawal, former House Leader and current Senator Abdul Ningi, NNPP governorship candidate Senators Haliru Dauda Jika, Patrick Obahiagbon, Hamman Misau, Nazif Gamawa

Tributes came in from the deceased children, grandchildren, in-laws and family members who celebrated her generosity, devotion to God and commitment to humanity.

In an emotional tribute during the church service, Dogara described his mother as a women who led an exemplary life.

“Mama’s life modelled guts, gumption, grit, gravitas and groundedness,” he said.

“Mama was also relentless and as bold as a lion with a more compelling impactful presence. I am gratefu beyond words to have fallen heir to your legacy of reckless boldness which defined your walk with God and the multitudes you touched in special ways.

“I am comforted by the fact that my soul knows that you are at peace with the Lord hen been told these gracious words, “… well done, thou good and faithful servant enter inte your rest”.

“It is a pity that this book cannot contain my tribute because of our special relationship but I promise to tell the world your story someday. Suffice it to say, rest on, my everyday heroine at the bossom of  Lord Jesus Christ until we meet to part no more”

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