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One year in office: FG scores self high on economy, poverty alleviation, others


Ahead of the first year in office of the administration of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the Federal Government has given itself high marks for significant progress in economic development, infrastructure, and poverty alleviation.

Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Senator George Akume, announced this during the Ministerial Sectoral Updates session held at the National Press Centre in Abuja, on Wednesday.

According to Akume, the review session aimed to promote transparency and accountability, showcasing the administration’s accomplishments and reassuring Nigerians of the government’s commitment to the Renewed Hope Agenda.

He added that President Tinubu’s agenda focuses on job creation, access to capital for businesses, inclusiveness, the rule of law, and the fight against hunger, poverty, and corruption.

“Despite daunting challenges, President Tinubu has maintained his calm and demonstrated exemplary leadership qualities, guiding our nation with vision and foresight.

“The Nigerian economy has shown resilience and potential for growth through prudent fiscal policies and strategic investments,” Akume noted.

The SGF also said the administration’s focus on infrastructure development, job creation, and economic diversification has laid the foundation for sustainable progress and prosperity.

 “President Tinubu’s resolve to combat corruption and promote ethical leadership has earned the admiration and support of the Nigerian people,” Akume emphasized.

He therefore called for collective responsibility in nation-building, urging all Nigerians to work together towards realizing the full potential of the country. “Together, let us continue to strive towards a better future for Nigeria and its people,” he appealed.

Earlier in his welcome address, the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris, said President Tinubu has always insisted that information should flow from government to the people because it is the people that elected him.

He urged members of the media to be focused by reporting honestly with a deep sense of patriotism for the Nation and jettison all forms of fake news and misinformation.

Also, the Minister of the Economy, Budget and National Planning, Atiku Bagudu, urged state governments to do all within their powers to ensure living standards of citizens are uplifted.

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