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Taraba State holds first Youth, security summit


Taraba State holds first Youth, security summit

Sylvanus Viashima, Jalingo 

Taraba State Governor Dr Kefas Agbu on Tuesday flagged off a Three day Youth, security and economic summit in Jalingo, the state capitol.

The governor in his remarks said he was determined to fulfil his campaign promise of ensuring 80% youth in his government and it was important that the youth develop the right mindset in order to deliver in driving the administration.

He said that the maiden edition of the summit is imperative and informs the decision of the government to go ahead with it despite the lean resources.

“Today is a milestone in our history as a state as we hold this maiden Edition of Taraba State Youth, Economic and Security Summit. This is a project that is dear to my heart because I made a promise and I intend to fulfill my campaign promise that 80% of my appointments will be youths and women. The youth will take the centre stage in this administration. 

“The youths are the driving force of any society. It is therefore imperative that we empower them and position them to make the best of their time, their energies, their talent and skills and their youthfulness. That is what this summit aims to achieve. 

“We would create platforms to showcase skills, innovations and plausible  solutions and ideas. The emphasis on employment must stop. Rather, we would encourage youths to be innovative. We would create an enabling environment for them to excel. This is the focus of my administration and that is why we are holding this all important summit at the beginning of my administration” the governor said 

The Chairman of the summit Mr Benjamin Bako in his remarks said that mental transformation was requisite for development to take place as development requires change and it must start from the mind.

“If we must make progress, then there must be a mental transformation. That is what this summit aims at achieving. We know that there is a direct correlation between idle youths and criminality. 

“The creation of a fresh new Taraba has kick started today, and you must count yourselves lucky to be here on time. It is time to move forward in unity for Taraba State. Success is intentional. What and who you listen to, and what you know is what frees you or imprisons you in the journey of life. I assure you that after today, you will never remain the same again. Mindset is everything. To succeed you must have a daring mindset and stop spending time in places and with persons that won’t grow you and add value to your life. 

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“If you continue to listen to analysis that lead to paralysis, no matter how big your certificate is, you are going nowhere. Our dear state today is replete with cemeteries of great dreams because of mindset, wrong orientation and what people listen to. You become what you think! You must explore, you must be audacious and you must be bold! Certificates can take you up, but only attitude and good behavior can keep you there. 

“Technology has become the fastest growing Industry in the world and also In our lives now. If you don’t keep learning and adapt to new trends, you will be left stranded with your certificates. We have to accept the reality in the world now that your certificate, which confers on you confidence and understanding to some extent, will not help you much if you do not acquire specific skills to survive.

“What you are seeing today is the brainchild of His Excellency Dr. Agbu Kefas who has set out in earnest to create tomorrow’s champions, skillful youths and great entrepreneurs. Dr. Agbu Kefas has always emphasized that it’s more important to equip and empower the Youths of Taraba State with the Knowledge of how to own a pound and fish themselves instead of giving them fish always.

“One way to end poverty and unemployment amongst youths is Mental Change which we have set out to do now. If we must make progress, there must be mental and MIND SET revolution. We need more entrepreneurs to end poverty and unemployment in this state. High level crime thrive in ou communities because of poverty and unemployment. More poverty, more crime” Bako said.

Our correspondent reports that the summit, which is the first of it’s kind in the history of the state, draws participants from the Sixteen local government areas of the state and have a lot of talks and presentations lined up for three days of intensive interactions and engagement.

Taraba State holds first Youth, security summit

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